
Google penguin definition

  In 2011, Google deployed the Panda filter for the first time, the aim of which is to remove from its results sites whose content is considered to be of poor quality.  A year later, still with the aim of strengthening the user experience, the search giant is deploying a second filter called Penguin (Penguin in English).  This time, it is the sites which have artificially increased their visibility, in particular with the help of poor quality external links, which are affected. What is Google Penguin? Launched on April 24, 2012, the Google Penguin filter attacks sites that use “fraudulent” referencing techniques in terms of netlinking or optimizations.  These sanctioned techniques all aim to manipulate the results in favor of the site using them. Penalty factors Some time before, Google alerted on its blog the owners of Web sites by affirming that Penguin was "an important modification of its algorithm devoted to the fight against spam".  The update planned to downgrade sites

Google Panda definition

  Officially deployed for the first time on February 24, 2011, Google Panda is a filter of the eponymous search engine aimed at redacting from its results pages with content considered duplicate, insufficient or of poor quality. Previously updated monthly, this filter is now an integral part of the algorithm.  Updates and resulting sanctions are now done in real time. Filter history Intended to sanction poor quality content, Panda is not immediately deployed globally.  It is first tested in the United States: February 24, 2011: "Farmer Update", aka Panda 1.0, upsets the SERPS across the Atlantic April 11, 2011: Panda 2.0 now concerns all English-speaking results without exception August 11, 2011: Europe, United States, the whole world is affected by a new version of this filter.  According to sources, it sometimes bears the name of Panda 2.4, sometimes that of Panda 3.0.  In France, the impact on results is significant March 2013: after several updates, the “Panda Everflux” f

How to optimize your local SEO with Google My Business?

  Google My Business, a tool for local visibility Your Google My Business listing will allow you to conquer the world.  Well, maybe not THE world, but  your  world, locally.  Thanks to  Google's  local SEO , people who are looking for you will finally know you exist, and how they can reach you from Google Maps. Put yourself in your customer's shoes for a moment.  Imagine you need a plumber, a lawyer, whether you are looking for a gym or even an  SEO agency .  You do a Google search and the search engine "concludes" that you want to contact someone.  In an insert reserved for Google My Business listings, it displays the professionals best referenced locally:   Google's local SEO allows you to quickly find: the professionals closest to you, if you do not enter a specific location and your geolocation is activated; the professionals best referenced on Google My Business in the geographic area that interests you, if you target your search locally. When you complete yo